Diplomatic Transcription
Sir,—The noble example of English and French women has not failed to find energetic imitators in Russia. They are now all forming a grand and Christian alliance of their own, not organized by Foreign Offices, but by simple patriotic enthusiasm. Let me give a piece of information just received from Russia through the Press and private letters.
Whilst General Brusiloff is performing wonders of bravery and patriotism, his wife Mme. Brusiloff is occupying herself with countless war charities. Her great work at this moment is to provide for our heroes who are returning home from the front permanently incapacitated. She is organizing in Volhynia, and in other parts of Russia, women’s societies for the adoption of wounded soldiers. Each member of the society adopts one of these cripples who are unable to occupy themselves with any trade or profession.
“Come to their aid without delay, women of Russia!” appeals Mme. Brusiloff. “Do not waste your lives in gaiety and merry-making, playing cards, and buying furs and diamonds! I appeal to those who have hearts that beat and throb, to those who have God in their souls, and who understand that the war is our great, solemn, sacred sacrifice, in the name of patriotism and self-defence. If 300,000 Russian women follow the example of their French and English sisters, each choosing from the hospital one helpless cripple and adopting him, the future of our heroes will be well provided for.”
It is a great blessing, indeed, to learn that Mme. Brusiloff’s appeal has already met with enthusiastic support in Kieff and many other towns in South-Western Russia. Her success, so well deserved, is undoubted, and the name Вrusiloff will once more be blessed throughout Russia.
OLGA NOVIKOFF (née Kireeff).
4, Brunswick-place, N.W.
People Mentioned in the Essay
Cities Mentioned in the Essay
Novikoff, Olga. “Madame Brusiloff's Work.” Times (London), July 26, 1916.